Inspiring people to grow

Enrich lives through gardening. An eight-year collaboration to interpret the RHS vision and create clarity from complexity across fi ve gardens – Wisley, Harlow Carr, Hyde Hall, Rosemoor and Bridgewater.

Inspire, inform, engage and enrich. Powerful design ideas, simply expressed and integrated across wayfi nding, signage, maps and interpretation help people to navigate, explore and enjoy horticulture.

More people enjoying a greener future through gardening. A better visitor journey and more cohesive experience grew understanding and increased visitor numbers to 2.8 million and memberships by 30%.

Guiding 2 million RHS visitors per year

Guiding 2 million RHS visitors per year

RHS Garden Rosemoor – OLD

RHS Garden Rosemoor – OLD

RHS Garden Rosemoor – NEW

RHS Garden Rosemoor annotated – NEW

RHS Garden Wisley

RHS Garden Rosemoor

RHS Garden Harlow Carr

RHS Garden Hyde Hall